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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

If you have a family history of a parent or sibling  with dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), you have a higher risk of AD.  Research has determined that eating more blueberries may lower the probability of developing AD. (Krikorian R, et al.  Regular blueberry consumption may reduce risk of dementia, study finds. Nutrients April 2022) […]

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As of this date, no interventions to prevent cognitive decline in asymptomatic older adults have been approve by the FDA.  The statistics on dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease are sobering: 1 IN 3 SENIORS DIES WITH ALZHEIMER’S OR ANOTHER DEMENTIA. IT KILLS MORE THAN BREAST CANCER AND PROSTATE CANCER COMBINED Between 2000 and 2018, deaths from […]

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The coming of Autumn always feels like a poignant time to me…. So many things are changing… The nights get a little cooler, the days becoming noticeably shorter, the blackberries on my property fading in numbers of sweet and luscious berries, the harvesting of winter squash, garlic, tree fruits and more.  I’ve always been a […]

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Nootropics is a term used to describe those agents that improve cognition, memory, creativity or motivation.   Nootropic substances can be as common as everyday caffeine and nicotine, or stimulants such as amphetamine and methylphenidate or many prescription items including levodopa.  Nootropic agents can also include plants, vitamins or other dietary supplements.  Bacopa monnieri is one […]

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I posted a brief blog in May calling attention to intimate partner violence, but here we are again with some added information.  Intimate partner violence (IPV) is defined as physical and sexual violence, emotional abuse, or stalking by an intimate partner.  I have shared some information below, expanding on this definition. One in four US […]

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Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a well-recognized clinical condition characterized by lack of sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and/or pelvic pain/penetration, or a combination of these symptoms. Low desire is called hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), low arousal is called female arousal disorder (FAD), female orgasmic disorder (FOD)  is delayed, infrequent or absent orgasms, or significantly […]

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) issues include 2 out of the following 3: 1) oligo-ovulation/anovulation (usually experienced as menstrual bleeding irregularities 2)  Hyperandrogenism (includes acne, excess body hair, hair thinning on scalp, elevated serum androgens 3) polycystic ovaries on a pelvic ultrasound. The etiology and pathogenesis of PCOS are complicated but we do know the dominant […]

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Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S. While general anxiety disorder is the most common form of anxiety, there are numerous others including, panic disorder, phobic related disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.  In a 2020 survey, 62% of respondents reported some degree of anxiety.  An estimated 31% of all […]

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