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Category Archive for 'Botanicals'

Women during the menstruating years often struggle with one or more issues related to menstruation, including abnormal uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramping pain), premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and cyclic mastalgia (breast discomfort) related to PMS. Abnormal bleeding can include heavy menses, long menses, short cycle, long cycle and no cycle at all.  Any of these symptoms […]

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I think we all know what aging of the skin looks like: wrinkles, reduced tone, sagging areas, loss of fat pads in the face, dryness, skin pigmentation changes, telangiectasias and lentigines.  There are multiple influences on this normal age related process such that some individuals have more or less skin aging features.  Genetics, decline in […]

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The herbal research for perimenopause and menopause women and their symptoms continues to expand.  This recent published report was the second study that I am aware of, on Shatavari in menopausal women.   This randomized, double-blinded, multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical study investigated the use of a full spectrum Shatavari root for menopausal symptoms.   It was conducted […]

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Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric condition in the U.S. Biological factors, family history, stressful life experiences and/or trauma are all potential causes. We could likely say these days, the world we live in is a cause of anxiety even if the stressful circumstances aren’t an immediate experience we are having.  Being surrounded by […]

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Depression is on the rise in the U.S. with the percentage of U.S. adults who report having been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime reaching 29.0%.  As of a publication in May 2023, this is nearly 10 percentage points higher than in 2015.  The percentage of Americans who currently have or are […]

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I live in the Pacific NW and while beautiful and full of natural landscapes to bask in, some find the winters difficult with gray and wet skies, especially in these months of shortened daylight hours.  Approximately 5% of folks struggle with the impacts of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, and it is more frequent in […]

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One of the most pesky chronic health issues I see in my patients is hair thinning.  The first step in the evaluation of this is to try to determine the cause.  This includes starter testing for hypothyroid, iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency, looking at the scalp to see if there is a skin condition like […]

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Direct and indirect physical, physiological and other stressors may generate psychological stress that affects female reproductive health by influencing ovarian physiology and reproductive hormones.[1]  The increase in the stress hormone cortisol may reduce estradiol biosynthesis in the ovary.1, [2]  High levels of stress for a longer time period may result in amenorrhea, anovulation and menstrual […]

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