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Category Archive for 'Hormone Replacement'

Menopause hormone therapy is having a new moment in its long history of use and research.  While the last 22 years, since the publication of the first paper from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), put what seemed like a permanent dark mark on the use of menopause hormones, researchers and clinicians who have kept up […]

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Menopause hormone therapy prescribing is an essential skill in the care of women.  It is imperative that all prescribers have a science based approach to the benefits and risks of menopause hormone therapy (MHT).  In these now forty years of clinical practice as a licensed naturopathic physician and a clinical practice in women’s health, I […]

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I recently did a podcast for “Radiant Knowing”, with a dietician and nutritionist, Carly Knowles and Carmen Shah.  We had a good Q and A and a discussion about many things related to perimenopause and menopause.  They started with a bang, asking me about hormonal balance/imbalance.  You might be surprised to hear my response.  […]

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An estimated 6,000 US women daily and more than 2 million women yearly reach menopause, and that does not include perimenopausal women. The US population aged 65 and over grew nearly five times faster than the total population over the century from 1920 to 2000 according to the 2020 US Census. This group is now […]

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD)  is twice as common in women than in men.  This issue of menopause and menopausal hormone therapy has garnered quite a lot of attention over the last 10-20 years in particular.  Does menopausal hormone therapy(MHT) increase risk of AD or decrease risk or in some and not others based on other factors?  […]

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Consumers, patients and clinicians have long wrestled with the safety issues of phytoestrogens regarding the breast and uterine endometrium in particular.  Phytoestrogens are used for both prevention and treatment strategies in areas of bone health, cardiovascular issues, bone density, hot flashes and more.  Research has been debated regarding their effects on endometrial or breast tissues. […]

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Menopausal hormone therapy is prescribed to address menopause related symptoms, as well as to reduce risks of several chronic diseases and to treat select conditions. Despite its significant benefits, there are slight risks, and there are occasionally nuisance issues that require attention. One of these is breast tenderness. Breast tenderness can be caused by estrogen […]

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One of the most common experiences of menopause are the changes that occur on the external genital tissue and intravaginal tissue that can then also affect urinary function. This is called genitourinary atrophy, and most recently coined, genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Symptoms can include one or more of the following: vulvovaginal discomfort, itching, burning, tingling, […]

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