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Category Archive for 'Weight Management'

As I sit here eating an afternoon snack, I’m reminded of how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it can be to lose it.  If you are looking for a fresh, thoughtful, holistic approach to weight loss, please check out what my two favorite dieticians are offering.  And it’s right around the […]

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“Life’s Essential 8” are the key measures for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health, as defined by the American Heart Association. Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.” These “other major health problems” are no small matter either – such as, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and dementia.  The […]

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Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the uterus and their incidence increases over the reproductive years until menopause.  Uterine fibroid tissue is made up of smooth muscle cells in the myometrium and are hormonally dependent on estrogen and progesterone and because of this, are the most symptomatic in the years prior to […]

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It’s fall.  I live in the Pacific Northwest and apples are a big deal here.  They are prolific and yummy and I have several apple trees in my small orchard.  I have buckets and buckets of them and my daily harvest reminds me of growing up on the Oregon Coast with a mother who said […]

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Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has become a very common condition in the U.S.  It’s been reported that 25-40% of Americans experience symptomatic GERD at some point and approximately 7-10% experience symptoms of GERD on a daily basis. I can confirm this in my clinical practice. Many individuals control their symptoms with over the counter (OTC) […]

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At no other time in my 68-year life have I been asked this question, nor have I asked this question of others as often as I do now, and with a distinctly deeper level of authenticity. I see many patients in my clinical practice every day.  Pre-March 15, 2020, I might have some patients ask […]

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Where I live in Oregon, I’m happily surrounded by a prolific selection of fresh berries— those in the wild and commercially grown.  My childhood was rich with berry foraging while playing in the woods—red and blue huckleberries, salmon berries, thimbleberries, elderberries and blackberries.  And living in Oregon, we are rich in thousands of acres of […]

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There are two recent studies that I want to call attention to, that are relevant for our continued efforts to reduce the risk of breast cancer.  The first addresses the issue of weight loss.  In postmenopausal middle-aged women who lose weight and actually are successful in keeping it off, their risk of breast cancer is […]

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