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Category Archive for 'Stress'

The herbal research for perimenopause and menopause women and their symptoms continues to expand.  This recent published report was the second study that I am aware of, on Shatavari in menopausal women.   This randomized, double-blinded, multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical study investigated the use of a full spectrum Shatavari root for menopausal symptoms.   It was conducted […]

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I’m sitting at my kitchen table on the first day of the new daylight savings time. I must admit, I like the “fall backward” time change, which is much more appealing on day 1, but I am looking forward to tomorrow’s after work increased daylight to exercise outdoors and work in the garden.  But today, […]

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Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric condition in the U.S. Biological factors, family history, stressful life experiences and/or trauma are all potential causes. We could likely say these days, the world we live in is a cause of anxiety even if the stressful circumstances aren’t an immediate experience we are having.  Being surrounded by […]

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One of the most pesky chronic health issues I see in my patients is hair thinning.  The first step in the evaluation of this is to try to determine the cause.  This includes starter testing for hypothyroid, iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency, looking at the scalp to see if there is a skin condition like […]

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The negative effects of a history of childhood abuse are related to mental illness, cardiovascular disease, premature mortality and other chronic illnesses in adulthood and reported in multiple studies across the span of the last twenty plus years.  How childhood mistreatment relates to the menopause transition is less explored.  The recent study tested whether childhood […]

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Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the U.S. While general anxiety disorder is the most common form of anxiety, there are numerous others including, panic disorder, phobic related disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.  In a 2020 survey, 62% of respondents reported some degree of anxiety.  An estimated 31% of all […]

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One of my mainstay nutraceuticals for general anxiety disorder is L-theanine, even though the research is not consistent or considerable.  My clinical experience is what mostly guides my consistent recommendations for it. Theanine is a non-protein amino acid that was first isolated from green tea and is chemically similar in structure to glutamic acid.  L-theanine […]

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Depression is worldwide, and over 264 million individuals suffer from it across the world. Depression is one of the most commonly occurring mental health disorders occurring in adults and children. [i]  According to The World Health Organization, depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.  [ii] Depression is a common mental health condition […]

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