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Category Archive for 'Menopause'

Menopause hormone therapy is having a new moment in its long history of use and research.  While the last 22 years, since the publication of the first paper from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), put what seemed like a permanent dark mark on the use of menopause hormones, researchers and clinicians who have kept up […]

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Summer Nutrition Reset

In my neck of the woods (Pacific NW), June is when we start to see more regional juicy summer fruits including cherries and blueberries.  But this is only the beginning of the robust berry season which will soon be local blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and then the peaches, plums and melons.  We also find more and […]

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The herbal research for perimenopause and menopause women and their symptoms continues to expand.  This recent published report was the second study that I am aware of, on Shatavari in menopausal women.   This randomized, double-blinded, multicenter, placebo-controlled clinical study investigated the use of a full spectrum Shatavari root for menopausal symptoms.   It was conducted […]

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As I sit here eating an afternoon snack, I’m reminded of how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it can be to lose it.  If you are looking for a fresh, thoughtful, holistic approach to weight loss, please check out what my two favorite dieticians are offering.  And it’s right around the […]

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Menopause hormone therapy prescribing is an essential skill in the care of women.  It is imperative that all prescribers have a science based approach to the benefits and risks of menopause hormone therapy (MHT).  In these now forty years of clinical practice as a licensed naturopathic physician and a clinical practice in women’s health, I […]

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I recently did a podcast for “Radiant Knowing”, with a dietician and nutritionist, Carly Knowles and Carmen Shah.  We had a good Q and A and a discussion about many things related to perimenopause and menopause.  They started with a bang, asking me about hormonal balance/imbalance.  You might be surprised to hear my response.  […]

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An estimated 6,000 US women daily and more than 2 million women yearly reach menopause, and that does not include perimenopausal women. The US population aged 65 and over grew nearly five times faster than the total population over the century from 1920 to 2000 according to the 2020 US Census. This group is now […]

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The negative effects of a history of childhood abuse are related to mental illness, cardiovascular disease, premature mortality and other chronic illnesses in adulthood and reported in multiple studies across the span of the last twenty plus years.  How childhood mistreatment relates to the menopause transition is less explored.  The recent study tested whether childhood […]

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