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Category Archive for 'Insights'

Menopause hormone therapy is having a new moment in its long history of use and research.  While the last 22 years, since the publication of the first paper from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), put what seemed like a permanent dark mark on the use of menopause hormones, researchers and clinicians who have kept up […]

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Summer Nutrition Reset

In my neck of the woods (Pacific NW), June is when we start to see more regional juicy summer fruits including cherries and blueberries.  But this is only the beginning of the robust berry season which will soon be local blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and then the peaches, plums and melons.  We also find more and […]

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I’m sitting at my kitchen table on the first day of the new daylight savings time. I must admit, I like the “fall backward” time change, which is much more appealing on day 1, but I am looking forward to tomorrow’s after work increased daylight to exercise outdoors and work in the garden.  But today, […]

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Year of the Wood Dragon

I’m turning 72 in a few days.  Year of the Dragon.  I was born in 1952, year of the Water Dragon.  In 2024, it’s the year of the Wood Dragon.  From what I have superficially read, the Wood Dragon symbolizes a rebirth within.  Apparently, the Wood Dragon is very creative and curious, full of original […]

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The Perfect Winter Solstice Poem

    TO KNOW THE DARK To go in the dark with a light is to know the light. To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight, and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings, and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings. –Wendell Berry

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I live in the Pacific NW and while beautiful and full of natural landscapes to bask in, some find the winters difficult with gray and wet skies, especially in these months of shortened daylight hours.  Approximately 5% of folks struggle with the impacts of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, and it is more frequent in […]

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Quotes of Import

I often am struck by words and quotes that move me, change me, remind me of a meaningful value, or even provide direction in my life.  In these current times of meaningless and often harmful and negative drivel in our media saturated culture, I’m reminded of simpler times, simple truisms, and people who speak with […]

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May Musings

It’s May and the month is full of celebrations.  Cinco de Mayo (May 5),  Mother’s Day (May 14), Memorial Day (May 29) are the familiar ones to us.  But perhaps you have not heard of International No Diet Day (May 6), Fair Trade Day (May 13), National Apple Pie Day (May 13), International Peace and […]

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