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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

If you have a family history of a parent or sibling  with dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), you have a higher risk of AD.  Research has determined that eating more blueberries may lower the probability of developing AD. (Krikorian R, et al.  Regular blueberry consumption may reduce risk of dementia, study finds. Nutrients April 2022)

Fresh ripe garden blueberries in a small bowl on dark rustic wooden table

Blueberries are high in an important compound, anthocyanin,  and according to this small study of 33 participants, these and other micronutrients in blueberries can reduce inflammation in the brain that can lead to cognitive decline.  Anthocyanins are a class of water-soluble flavonoids widely present in fruits and vegetables.  Dietary sources of anthocyanins include red and purple berries, grapes, apples, plums, cabbage, or foods containing high levels of natural pigments.


Another study determined that the MIND Diet could reduce the risk of AD.  Published in 2015, it found that those who followed the MIND diet reduced their risk for AD by 53%. ( Morries, M et al. MIND Diet Associated with Reduced Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Alzheimer’s Dementia 2015; Sept, 11(9)

Those who most closely followed the diet’s recommendations had brains equivalent to someone 7.5 years younger. ( The Mind Diet is a fusion of two diets considered to be two of the most healthy diets, the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet.  The Mediterranean diet emphasizes vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, olive oil, and red wine.  The Dash diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) was developed by the US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for treating high blood pressure.  It also centers around eating whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, but is a low-sodium diet.


The Mind Diet:


  • Whole grains — 3 or more servings per day
  • Green leafy vegetables — 6 servings per week
  • Other vegetables — 1 serving per day
  • Nuts — 5 servings per week
  • Berries — 2 or more servings per week
  • Beans or legumes — 3 or more servings per week
  • Fish — 1 or more serving per week
  • Poultry — 2 or more servings per week
  • Wine — 1 serving per day
  • Olive oil — use as the main cooking oil


  • Pastries and sweets — less than 5 servings per week
  • Red meat — less than 4 servings per week
  • Cheese — less than 1 serving per week
  • Fried or fast food — less than 1 serving per week
  • Butter and margarine — less than 1 tablespoon per day


Whether frozen or fresh… Start now with 2 servings per day of blueberries.  One serving is ½ cup and may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease.

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