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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

An association between vitamin D deficiency and many mood disorders has been suggested in several studies. These associations include major depressive disorder, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), premenstrual syndrome and other depressive disorders. Peer-reviewed research studies were located in various data-bases searching for studies investigating vitamin D and depression, seasonal affective disorder, PMS, postpartum depression, perinatal […]

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Nausea and vomiting are the most common unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy. 50% to 90% of women experience these complications. This study was a single-blind controlled randomized clinical trial in women up to 20 weeks of pregnancy in Iran. 32 women received ginger and 35 received placebo. One ginger (250 mg) or placebo capsule four times […]

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Ginkgo and PMS

A recent study was done on students with PMS living in Tehran. Eighty-five women completed the study. Participants were given 40 mg three times daily of a standardized ginkgo extract or a placebo from day 16 of the cycle to day 5 of the next cycle. Self-administered questionnaires were used and a diagnosis of PMS […]

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In a randomized trial of more than 5400 women with cardiovascular disease or risk factors, women were randomized to placebo or a combination of folic acid 2.5 mg/day, Vitamin B6, 50 mg/day and Vitamin B12, 1mg/day. The women were over the age of 40, and two thirds of them had a history of cardiovascular disease […]

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Chinese women suffering from moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) were studied in a prospective, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel-group, multi-center clinical trial. A Vitex agnus castus extract, contained 4.0 mg of dried ethanolic (70%). The mean total Premenstrual Syndrome Diary (PMSD) score decreased from 29.23 at baseline to 6.41 at the end of the third […]

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Folic acid update It has been known for a considerable amount of time, that folic acid when given to women planning for pregnancy and during pregnancy, can lower the risk for neural tube defects. Based on the research up to that time, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) first published their recommendations in 1996. […]

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St. John’s Wort and menopause symptoms St John’s wort was compared with a placebo in a double-blind, randomized clinical trial on symptoms and quality of life issues in perimenopausal women. Forty-seven 40 to 65 y.o. perimenopausal women who experienced three or more hot flashes per day were randomized to receive either 900 mg three times […]

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One of the most eye opening experiences I’ve had in relationship to cardiovascular disease was hearing a lecture and reading an article by John Abramson, M.D. In an interview with Dr. Abramson published in TLFD June 2008, he states that “there is not a single randomized controlled trial that shows that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are […]

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