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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

Tori Hudson, ND, conducts an Integrative Interview Beverly Yates, ND on Clinical Management of Successful Weight Loss in Women October 18th, 2011 The Integrative Interview: Case Studies on Clinical Management of Successful Weight Loss in Women Each case study illustrates a different aspect of patient care that makes the difference between success and failure in […]

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Many women think that if a certain amount of calcium is good for the bones than even more is better. A large longitudinal and prospective cohort study from Sweden recently showed that consuming more than 700 mg of calcium per day in women older than 63, did not further reduce the risk for fracture or […]

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Researchers in Australia observed 1216 older women whose average age was 75, for close to 10 years and compared atherosclerotic vascular disease with chocolate intake, categorized as rare intake = < 1 25-50 gm serving per week and frequent intake = > 1servings per week. Approximately half of the women rarely ate chocolate and 36% […]

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Breast cancer rates had been steadily climbing since the 1940s until about 2002 [1] but breast cancer rates decreased by about 2% between 1998 and 2007 in the U.S.[2] However, this decrease was only among women aged 50 and older. One of the more news worthy items has been a significant decline in breast cancer […]

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A review of 25 trials that evaluated the risk of CHD related to the body’s omega-3 levels showed that there was an inverse relationship with major cardiovascular (CV) events and tissue levels of EPA and even more so, with DHA. [1] There have been three large randomized trials documenting omeg-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in […]

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The Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment (CHARGE) study is a population-based case-control study of Northern California families. Using standardized clinical assessments, enrolling 288 children aged 24–60, with autism and 144 with autism spectrum disorders, and compared them with 278 children who were developing normally. Researchers calculated the odds ratios for associations between autism […]

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Magnesium plays a role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and is involved in energy metabolism, cellular metabolism, utilization of glucose, synthesis of protein and fatty acids, muscle contractions, all hormonal reactions, neurotransmitter production, and intracellular balance of sodium, potassium and calcium.[1] The list is long for the consequences of a magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiencies […]

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Premenopausal women appear to be more sensitive at detecting breast cancer when done during the first week of the menstrual cycle (day 1 of the menses to day 7) in women with a history of screening mammograms. Researchers analyzed 387,218 screening mammograms in premenopausal women that were associated with 1,283 breast cancers. Greater sensitivity was […]

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