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Tori Hudson, ND, conducts an Integrative Interview Beverly Yates, ND on Clinical Management of Successful Weight Loss in Women October 18th, 2011

The Integrative Interview: Case Studies on Clinical Management of Successful Weight Loss in Women

Each case study illustrates a different aspect of patient care that makes the difference between success and failure in helping patients to lose weight and in maintaining weight loss. For some patients, losing weight is unusually difficult despite reasonable efforts to eat well and exercise regularly. Most patients know that the real challenge lies in preventing the return of unwanted excess weight after it has been lost. These case studies review the keys to success for each patient, including the need where appropriate to individualize the treatment protocol to match specific chronic illnesses like Type II diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, depression, fatigue and more.

Normal transitions in a woman’s life like menopause can mean the addition of excess weight. Many women report that they experienced a healthy weight range until after they gave birth to their second or third child, and say that after that their "metabolism was never the same again". For some women, this may be an indicator of thyroid dysfunction, and for others it is a sign of metabolic decline, separate from thyroid related problems. This metabolic decline is age related and is a relentless factor in the case of steady, creeping weight gain. Many integrative and naturopathic doctors have experience with patients who upon initial presentation to their clinic were already on some type of thyroid medication, yet these patients cannot seem to lose weight effectively, even with appropriate lifestyle interventions in place. The webinar covers effective treatment protocols that can provide effective weight loss help for difficult to treat overweight and obese patients.

Some patients have trouble with thermogenesis, and this difficulty translates into excess fat gain no matter what else they do in terms of lifestyle or other therapies to lose weight safely and effectively.

During the webinar we will discuss effective ways to boost cellular metabolism, optimize cellular aging mechanisms and promote effective thermogenesis.

All treatment options presented in the protocols preserve precious muscle mass and help burn fat for calories so patients lose specifically excess fat for their weight loss and keep the muscle they need to continue to burn fat for fuel. Patient symptoms like cravings (especially for carbohydrates and simple sugars), poor sleep and altered stress response are addressed as well.

Please join us on Thursday, October 18th, 2011 at 7:00 PM Central time.

There is no charge for this webinar.  For more information go to the link on the Events page


Tori Hudson, ND, conducts an Integrative Interview Dr. Lucille on Neuroendocrine Adaptation and Stress Management on October 25, 2011

The Integrative Interview:  Case Discussion in Neuroendocrine Adaptation and Stress Management

On Thursday, October 25, Dr. Tori Hudson will be interviewing Dr. Lucille on the deleterious effects of modern day stressors on the neuroendocrine system. Individuals dealing with these stressors often have complaints of fatigue, irritability, decreased stress resistance, insomnia, weight gain and hormone imbalances. In this interview, Dr. Lucille will share how she addresses sleep disruptions and the effects of chronic stressors by managing cortisol, so her patients can achieve greater balance and clinical outcomes, quicker.

Please join us on Thursday, October 25th, 2011 at 7:00 PM Central time.

There is no charge for this webinar.  For more information go to the link on the Events page

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