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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

I was doing some vacation reading and came across some inventions that impressed me for their forward-thinking approach to personal and/or planetary health.  I thought you might be interested…. Out of Thin Air This one caught my attention both for its ability to be used in disaster/crisis ridden areas where water inaccessibility is immediate and […]

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There’s probably no health benefit to soft drinks, and amongst the negatives is the association between carbonated soft drinks and low bone density and bone fractures in children and young adults.  This relationship has not been as clear for postmenopausal women until now. A famous study, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was investigated in a […]

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Perhaps you are already a connoisseur of green tea, or perhaps you are already aware of the many health benefits, including the area of breast cancer risk reduction and recurrence.  Based on a study some years back, I have been advising women with stage I and II breast cancer to drink 5 cups/day or take […]

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Menopausal hormone therapy is prescribed to address menopause related symptoms, as well as to reduce risks of several chronic diseases and to treat select conditions. Despite its significant benefits, there are slight risks, and there are occasionally nuisance issues that require attention. One of these is breast tenderness. Breast tenderness can be caused by estrogen […]

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Today is Halloween…. and not surprisingly, I’m thinking about pumpkins.  Pumpkins have found their way into my heart from seeing fields and fields of bright orange globes adorning the landscape, then finding their way onto the steps and counter tops of celebrating homes— complete with creative additions and carvings, aglow with candles…and then of course […]

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Tinnitus has been one of those health issues that over the years, I have come to accept I have very little to offer my patients.  While ginkgo has shown up previous to this study, as a potential option, I was eager to read this study for any renewed hope for it. Patients have the experience […]

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At the Movies

This blog is going to be short and sweet….please go see “FANTASTIC FUNGI” ( …a documentary about the power of mushrooms and the health of animals, humans, plants, soil, air, and the human collective. “Imagine an organism that feeds you, heals you, reveals secrets of the universe and could help save the planet.” The story […]

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Fibromyalgia (FM) is considered a neurological disorder with chronic and widespread musculoskeletal pains.  It can also be associated with mild to severe fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, hypersensitivities to light/sound/touch, digestive problems, headaches and cognitive difficulties.  More women than men have FM. While we do not understand what causes fibromyalgia, it appears that it is […]

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