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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

I was doing some vacation reading and came across some inventions that impressed me for their forward-thinking approach to personal and/or planetary health.  I thought you might be interested….

Out of Thin Air

This one caught my attention both for its ability to be used in disaster/crisis ridden areas where water inaccessibility is immediate and dangerous, as well as for replacement for bottled water for those who use that at home or office.  It’s a machine, that looks like an office water cooler, and it actually pulls moisture from the ambient air and creates drinkable water through a special filtration process.  It sounds kind of like a fancy dehumidifier.  It’s called a GENNY and requires no plumbing but does need electricity or solar power and it produces up to 7 gallons per day.  They assert that it can make clean water even in areas with high air pollution.  It costs about 1,500.00 but then the water is free!  This is less costly than one daily five gallon bottle of water delivered to a home or office for a year.  I’m going to check it out for my medical clinic.

Air Quality Detector

I have checked my house for radon levels (a kit required and a set duration of time for the unit to be exposed to your air).  I also have a carbon monoxide home detector.  This new invention, the Airthings Wave Plus is the first app-supported radon and indoor air-quality detector.  It detects radon, CO2, total volatile organic compounds, and even gases that are being emitted from the chemicals in the home or office where it is being placed.  That sounds quite comprehensive to me in terms of looking at the air quality and potential dangers from the surrounding air.  Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers in the U.S. and 15% of lung cancers are not related to smoking.  And, women have an increased risk of non-smoking related lung cancers.  For women who have never smoked, between ages 40 and 79, the incidence rate ranges from 14.4 to 20.8% and for men, 4.8 and 13.7%.  We do not know why there is this gender discrepancy yet, but environmental toxins, genetic predisposition and interactions with hormones likely hold the clues.  Apparently, we should test for radon in our homes, every two years… but with this unit, it would test ongoing.

Feminine Hygiene pads – It’s Gone “Bananas”

Access to feminine hygiene products is not easy for all women.  Financial limitations are just part of the issue.  In other parts of the world, there may be cultural and/or availability issues.  In parts of India, large numbers of women don’t have access to sanitary napkins.  One company tacked this problem by coming up with an eco-friendly solution by making the pads from banana fibers that are 100% biodegradable.  They also support the surrounding economy by buying materials from farmers might otherwise throw these banana fibers away, while also employing local woman to produce the pads.  The company, Saathi, estimates that more than 6,000 women are using their pads.


Others to check out:

Portable and nearly silent breast pump: Elvie

Free mobile app for combining “gaming” with outdoor play for kids: Biba Playground Games

Migraine zapper – a wearable device that tamps down pain signals: Nerivio

Relieving sinus pain with microcurrent: ClearUp

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