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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

I know it is popular to start the new year with resolutions with the hope of making a change in habits or life or something for the better.  It seems like it has become less useful and meaningful to many, and it caught my attention when a friend of mine sent me something from the Washington Post about picking a nudge word by Tara Parker-Pope.  She offers this idea of doing something different and picking a nudge word instead of making a New Year’s resolution.  She calls it the anti-resolution resolution and instead, pick a word that reflects on your values, intentions and hopes for the new year.  This word should capture a mind-set or how you want to live or what you would want to foster in 2023, and the word would then hopefully nudge you towards that positive change whenever you contemplate it.  It’s not a resolution like drink less alcohol or exercise more often.

She offers the following tips:

  1. Write down the things that made you happy this year. What felt good? What do you get excited about? What would it take to feel this way all the time?
  2. Next, think about what parts of your life could be better. What causes you stress? Are you thriving at work or feeling bored? Do you wake up excited about your day? What’s happening in your relationships?
  3. Finally, check in with your body. How is your physical health? How is your mental well-being? How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

“Your word should reflect your values and intentions, your vision for what well-being means to you and the areas of your life that need attention.”

Mature woman walks down trail in the morning in mountains as if looking for inspiration

Some words that I and some of my friends have been working with:  Evolve. Balance. Focus.  The author of the article offers some other good examples like Resilience, Reconnect, Gratitude, Optimism.




I also came up with the idea of having a “dud” word… meaning, a word that would reflect what  I want to leave behind from 2022.  I find that useful as well.  I think you will find that just the process of exploring what your nudge word and dud word would be is useful and it is likely you will come up with more than one option.   One nudge word came to me fairly quickly, but I kept at it to see if others would offer more value or direction.  So far, I have come back to the initial word with each musing.   I’m still working on my dud word from 2022.


Here is her original piece if you want more insight:

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