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Category Archive for 'Prevention'

Two things to focus on here are air pollutants and heat from climate change.  There are many other environmental exposure impacts on women’s health, fertility, pregnancies and in utero exposure, but the systematic review of 68 studies from 2007 to 2019 evaluated the association between ambient heat, air pollution  and obstetric outcomes including preterm birth […]

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Where I live in Oregon, I’m happily surrounded by a prolific selection of fresh berries— those in the wild and commercially grown.  My childhood was rich with berry foraging while playing in the woods—red and blue huckleberries, salmon berries, thimbleberries, elderberries and blackberries.  And living in Oregon, we are rich in thousands of acres of […]

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We’ve all read and heard many things the last 3 months about viruses, antibodies, testing, treatments and prevention for COVID-19.  I’ve hesitated to write about any natural medicines that might have a protective or intervention role… but I have found this current update on vitamin D  to be safe and valuable enough, to pass along. […]

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There are two recent studies that I want to call attention to, that are relevant for our continued efforts to reduce the risk of breast cancer.  The first addresses the issue of weight loss.  In postmenopausal middle-aged women who lose weight and actually are successful in keeping it off, their risk of breast cancer is […]

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The current recommendation for prenatal vitamin D supplementation is 400 IU to 600 IU per day.  But could higher doses be any better for the child of a pregnancy? In a randomized trial, higher doses of vitamin D supplementation was analyzed as part of a study in Denmark involving 623 women and their offspring (584 […]

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Hello all… I often try to write a seasonally pertinent blog… waxing somewhat philosophical at times or calling our attention to Mother Nature or a meaningful seasonal footnote. This spring….well…’s a mighty different situation for all of us.  In many states, including mine, we call it “lock down”…which means all non-essential businesses are closed and […]

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I was doing some vacation reading and came across some inventions that impressed me for their forward-thinking approach to personal and/or planetary health.  I thought you might be interested…. Out of Thin Air This one caught my attention both for its ability to be used in disaster/crisis ridden areas where water inaccessibility is immediate and […]

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There’s probably no health benefit to soft drinks, and amongst the negatives is the association between carbonated soft drinks and low bone density and bone fractures in children and young adults.  This relationship has not been as clear for postmenopausal women until now. A famous study, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) was investigated in a […]

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