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Category Archive for 'Menopause'

Difficulty sleeping/insomnia is one of the most common issues women face and is one of the most common complaints of women going through the menopause transition and the most common sleep disorder in the general population. Insomnia is defined as a sleep complaint that occurs at least three times per week for at least 3 […]

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Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumor in the uterus.  Most do not cause any symptoms and don’t require any investigation or treatment.  But, for some women, maybe about a third, women with uterine fibroids, also called uterine myomas may need a therapy—either to control abnormal uterine bleeding, reduce the size due to pressure […]

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Phytoestrogen compounds have been a subject of considerable research over the last several decades, especially those from soybeans, called isoflavones.   Studies on soy isoflavones and hot flashes/night sweats vary in dosages, but the average is 54 mg/day.  An  analysis of 36 publications: soy isoflavones, at an average of 54 mg per day for 6 weeks […]

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Many herbal options have been studied for the purpose of relieving menopause symptoms.  Black cohosh has been studied the most.  This current study evaluates the effectiveness of a combination of black cohosh and rhodiola, compared with black cohosh alone to relieve menopause symptoms.   Numerous symptoms are possible with perimenopause and/or menopause.  These include hot flashes/night […]

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Perimenopause and menopausal symptoms can include hot flashes/nightsweats, insomnia, anxiety, depression, cognitive changes, decline in sexual desire, and skin and mucus atrophy including the eyes, mouth, vulva, vagina and our general skin thinning, wrinkling and drying.  That list might seem long enough, but there can be others.   The good news is that not all women […]

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The most common symptom women experience in perimenopause and menopause, is hot flashes— day and/or night.  They are also called vasomotor symptoms, which are a sudden feeling of heat, burning and/or sweating with a slight increase in body temperature due to  increased metabolic rate and vasoconstriction in the periphery.  These fluctuating levels of estrogen, and […]

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Consumers, patients and clinicians have long wrestled with the safety issues of phytoestrogens regarding the breast and uterine endometrium in particular.  Phytoestrogens are used for both prevention and treatment strategies in areas of bone health, cardiovascular issues, bone density, hot flashes and more.  Research has been debated regarding their effects on endometrial or breast tissues. […]

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My first thought is:  Am I confused/Are you confused about milk products- whether cow/dairy/sheep/plants?  And the answer is… Yes. I read a fascinating piece in The Guardian the other day, “So what milk should we drink”?  I want to give you the cliff notes on that… and then maybe some cliff notes on the environmental […]

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