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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

It’s fall.  I live in the Pacific Northwest and apples are a big deal here.  They are prolific and yummy and I have several apple trees in my small orchard.  I have buckets and buckets of them and my daily harvest reminds me of growing up on the Oregon Coast with a mother who said […]

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I read these two quotes recently, as written by Anne Frank in her diary, The Diary of a Young Girl.  This diary was written during a period of historic threat, the 1942 Nazi Occupation of Amsterdam where this 13 y.o. Jewish girl and her family and another family had to hide out in the small […]

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In July 2018, I reported on a meta-analysis of coffee intake and breast cancer risk. The design of that meta-analysis was to assess associations between amounts of decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee (from 0 to 7 cups of coffee per day) and breast cancer risks, including categories of body mass index, hormone receptor status and menopause […]

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Hot flashes and/or night sweats, collectively called vasomotor symptoms (VMS), are the most common symptom of perimenopause/menopause.  The average duration of VMS is about 7 years, so more options to address this frequently significant symptom, are always welcomed.  While VMS can come in all sizes and shapes, varying from mild to severe and infrequent to […]

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Primary dysmenorrhea is defined as menstrual pain without any pelvic pathology.  This is the most common menstrual symptom in adolescent girls and young women.  The onset of menstrual pain usually occurs just before or at the first onset of the menstrual flow and typically lasts ½ day to 3 days.  Some women have additional symptoms […]

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Symptoms of fatigue and generalized aches and pains is a common discussion in my women’s health practice.  These symptoms also have some specifics related to menopausal women.  Fatigue is frequently reported by menopausal woman.  There are many possible explanations including: hypothyroid, insomnia, depression, allergies, anemias, chronic disease, chronic pain, adrenal dysregulation, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue […]

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This past 1.5 years of covid has spawned even more folks struggling with insomnia and anxiety.  At least that has been true in my clinical practice. Insomnia includes insufficient sleep, difficulty falling asleep (sleep latency) and poor sleep.  Insomnia can cause multiple problems including a decline in cognitive function, depression, low immunity and cardiovascular disease, […]

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This is not a blog that addresses the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine nor is it a blog that addresses when and if your patient should get a screening mammogram.  What it is about is how the COVID-19 vaccine can temporarily affect lymph nodes that can then give a false result on the […]

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