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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

A meta-analysis of five case-control and two cohort studies examined the effects of soy intake on endometrial and ovarian cancer. 169,051 women and, 3516 with endometrial or ovarian cancer in the U.S., China, Italy and Japan with an average age of 54 were evaluated for their soy intake based on soy containing foods or soy […]

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Trip to Canyon de Chelly April 28-May 2, 2010 Dear all, I’m taking another group trip to the sacred holy land of the Navajo-Canyon de Chelly.  Our base camp is in the valley of the canyon, surrounded by beautiful canyon walls, moon and sun rises and sets.   We do group cooking and eating in an […]

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Guidelines for screening cervical cancer and abnormal cells of the cervix are regularly evaluated and updated, based on statistics and health data. Both  liquid-based and the conventional pap smear slide methods of screening are acceptable, but the majority of current screening uses the liquid-based process. The liquid-based technology will filter out most of the blood […]

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a combination of St. John’s wort and chaste tree berry in the treatment of PMS-like symptoms in peri-menopausal women. This clinical trial was conducted over 16 weeks and information was collected at 4 week intervals rating PMS scores in peri-menopausal women who were experiencing […]

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I have recently been introduced to a new product, shea nut extract, for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Shea nuts have been used in food and Traditional African Medicine for generations, in West Africa in particular. A Danish company has developed a method to greatly concentrate and enhance the triterpenes found in shea nut, yielding a […]

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This double-blind, randomized clinical trial, studied the effect of Hypericum perforatum extract (St. John’s wort extract) compared with placebo, on symptoms and quality of life of 47 symptomatic perimenopausal women aged 40 to 65 with three or more hot flashes per day. Women were randomly assigned to receive a St. John’s wort extract (900 mg […]

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The study was designed to compare the blood pressure lowering effects of sour tea (ST) -Hibiscus sabdariffa with black tea (BT) in type II diabetics with mildly high blood pressure. Patients were randomly assigned to drink one cup of Hibiscus or black tea two times per day for one month. Each infusion contained one tea […]

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This prospective study of 512 women with early breast cancer evaluated the role of serum vitamin D levels as a potential factor influencing breast cancer prognosis. The average age was 50 and the average vitamin D levels was 58.1 nmol/L. Vitamin D levels were deficient (<50 nmol/L) in 192 women, insufficient (50 to 72 nmol/L) […]

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