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Reference: Anderson L, Cotterchio M, Vieth R, Knight J. Vitamin D and calcium intakes and breast cancer risk I npre- and postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr 2010; 91(6): 1699-1701. A recent study on vitamin D and breast cancer risk was published that once  again points the way to vitamin D as a safe and […]

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This meta-analysis was done to assess the association between tea consumption and endometrial cancer. A total of 7 studies with 2 cohort studies and 5 case-control studies met the criteria for inclusion in this meta-analysis. Green teas and black teas were included in the search. A total of 3487 cases and of endometrial cancer and […]

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Several studies of St. John’s wort alone and St. John’s wort with black cohosh have been able to demonstrate that these products are good options for perimenopausal and menopausal women with hot flashes, mood issues, sleep problems and quality of life. In the newest of the St. John’s wort studies in perimenopausal/menopausal women, a total […]

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Chaste tree berry has been a very important plant for premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. There are numerous studies that demonstrate this, and I have reported previously on the use of chaste tree berry for PMS. A very specific PMS use for chaste tree is for cyclical mastalgia, also called premenstrual breast pain/tender/lumpiness. […]

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The American Herbalists Guild 21st Annual Symposium is scheduled for October 1-3 (with preconference intensives on Sept 30th) in Austin TX. More information and registration online at You can also register by phone (203) 272-6731

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The results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial using St. John’s Wort for PMS sufferers were recently published. 36 women with regular menstrual cycles who were diagnosed with mild PMS were randomly assigned to receive St. John’s Wort tablets (900 mg/day and standardized to 0.18% hypericin and 3.38% hyperforin) or placebo for two menstrual […]

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A proprietary product called Nutrafem is a combination of botanical extracts derived from Vigna radiate (mung beans) and Eucommia ulmoides bark. This phase II, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical study was conducted in 159 postmenopausal women who had at least 21 hot flashes per week. 131 women completed the study. One group received the product […]

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Cyclic breast pain, called cyclic mastalgia is one of the most common problems in menstruating women. A recent study has determined once again, the therapeutic value of vitamin E as a safe and effective treatment for cyclic mastalgia. This study was a double blind clinical trial in 150 women in Iran. Two groups of 75 […]

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