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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

In this study, children of women who participated in the Nurses Health Study II (NHSII) and the Growing Up Today Study 2 (GUTS2) and were born between January 1990 and Dec 31, 1994 were identified. A questionnaire was sent out in 2009 to the mother of every child in these two studies in order to […]

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Breast Milk

Some mothers are unable to successfully provide breast milk to their infants, and thus use pasteurized donor milk, which is considered an acceptable and even recommended source for preterm infants in particular. There are regulated milk banks of donor milk, which is available. These regulated milk banks screen donors and pasteurize milk to remove potential […]

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This small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted in 30 breast cancer patients to assess curcumin’s ability to reduce the severity of radiation dermatitis. Women with non-inflammatory breast cancer or carcinoma in situ and were receiving radiotherapy, were randomized to receive either 2.0 grams three times per day of curcumin or placebo during their […]

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Researchers for the Iowa Women’s Health Study assessed health related issues including dietary habits and intake, and the relationship with type I (estrogen related) and type II (estrogen independent) endometrial cancer. A total of 23,039 were evaluated with an average age at study onset of 62 years. A total of 592 invasive endometrial cancers were […]

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This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted in 80 women aged 45 and older and with amenorrhea of > 12 months with vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes and/or night sweats). Women were randomized to receive either 250 mg of standardized soy extract equal to 100 mg/day of isoflavones or placebo for 10 months. There were 40 women […]

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This double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of green tea extract on uterine fibroid burden and quality of life in reproductive aged women with symptomatic uterine fibroids. A total of 39 reproductive aged women ages 18-50 y.o. with symptomatic uterine fibroids were recruited. Eligible women included those with a follicle-stimulating hormone […]

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Endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases and can cause chronic pelvic pain and chronic lower abdominal pain, menstrual cramps, pain with vaginal penetration during sex, abnormal bleeding and infertility. Available conventional therapies include hormonal therapies, pain medication and surgery. A natural substance that is free of side effects, and one that shows […]

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A randomized double blind placebo controlled trial was conducted in patients with chronic primary insomnia in West Bengal, India. Individuals were randomly assigned to receive 1 tablet of an herbal combination or 10 mg of zolpidem for 2 weeks. The herbal combination contained 300 mg valerian extract (standardized to 0.8% total valerenic acid), 80 mg […]

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