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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

As most of us know, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, although lung cancer is more deadly. Integrating some aspect of natural medicine has become common place for women with breast cancer… at the very least, nutritional and exercise changes. The inclusion of flax seeds in the diet of breast cancer patients […]

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Menstrual cramps, when due to primary dysmenorrhea, are caused by the action of endometrial prostaglandins and is a normal process of menstruation, to a degree, that then causes the contractions of the uterus. However, for some women, it is more than mild discomfort and can be mild, moderate or severe and depending on the pain […]

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Heartburn, often called acid indigestion is when there is a burning/acidic sensation in the chest. It is caused by a back up of acid from the stomach into the esophagus and throat. Classic symptoms are those burning sensation behind the sternum and/or in the throat, but can also be accompanied by nausea, belching, bloating. When […]

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Did you know that curcumin, a component of turmeric (Curcuma longa), has antidepressant activity? Natural medicine has much to offer individuals who suffer from mild to moderate depression, and increasingly, we have things to offer for those with major depression. One of the problems with conventional treatments, is that nearly 50% of patients with major […]

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Fenugreek seed has a long tradition of being used as an agent to increase the production of breast milk (“galactagogue”). There is general agreement among health care advisory organizations, including the World Health Organization, breast feeding is recommended for at least 6 months, due to its short and long term health benefits to the recipient. […]

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) includes one or more of many symptoms in the areas of mood, the physical body and cognition. The most frequent symptoms are irritability, depression, fatigue, water retention, weight gain, breast tenderness, headaches, abdominal cramps and mood swings. About 80% of women may experience PMS and about 50% of women seek medical care […]

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Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine problem that is diagnosed in reproductive aged women. It’s complex and involves multiple body systems but is associated with hyperinsulinemia, impaired glucose metabolism, hyperandrogenism and dyslipidemia. It is estimated that 5-6 million women in the United States have PCOS. The manifestations of PCOS can include irregular/infrequent menses […]

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Migraines are chronic and debilitating and affect 12-20% of the world’s population, and are more common in women. Women account for about three quarters of the 28 million Americans who experience migraine headaches. Attacks can begin at any age, but they typically start during childhood or adolescence when they are pretty equal in boys and […]

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