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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

Sometimes we get to go back to basics and simple lifestyle changes, that can then make a big difference. This study in premenopausal women prone to urinary tract infections demonstrates the point. Researchers assessed 140 premenopausal women who had at last 3 urinary tract infections in the previous year, and who reported a daily fluid […]

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Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is excessive blood loss within 24 hours of delivery. The definition is > 500 mL of blood loss in a vaginal birth, > 700 mL in assisted delivery or > 1000 mL if a C-section. PPH is a leading cause of maternal mortality throughout the world and occurs in 2% of all […]

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The issue of whether or not oral birth control pills increase the risk of breast cancer or not, has been confusing and contradictory for at least the last 20 years. It is certainly an ongoing concern in the minds of many women and clinicians. This recent prospective cohort study from the Denmark national data base […]

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Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and women have much higher rates than men. Women face a quadruple threat for osteoarthritis: hormones, biology, a genetic predisposition and more recently, obesity. About 60% of the 27 million individuals in the U.S. that have arthritis are women. Prior to age 55, more men tend to […]

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Nausea can be a significant side effect of numerous chemotherapy medications and preventing and treating chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is a priority in oncology patients. There are indeed some important and often effective conventional medications but even then, the symptoms can occur in 25% (vomiting) and 61% (nausea) of cancer patients. Nausea and […]

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It’s the beginning of the new calendar year and I can’t help myself but think about the western cultural habit of making resolutions. I was reading a bit about the history of this tradition: ancient Babylonians made promises and restitutions to the gods; Romans offered sacrifices to their deity and made promises for the coming […]

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Menstrual cramps, when due to functional problems and the release of prostaglandin F2alpha in the menstrual fluid, are a common monthly problem in menstruating women. The usual immediate treatments are anti-inflammatory drugs and prostaglandin inhibitors. One such nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) is mefenamic acid. A prospective, randomized, crossover study was conducted for 2 months in 122 […]

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I’m writing from my cozy home in the rural lands outside of Portland heading towards Christmas. It’s the first non-school day of vacation for my 9 y.o. great nephew who sits beside me exploring you tube and his new-found love of Michael Jackson music. With evening “dance offs”, and morning rides to school listening to […]

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