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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

The purpose of this meta-analysis was to try to get some clarity and to summarize the evidence, from prospective cohort studies regarding the association between coffee intake and breast cancer risk. The design was established to assess associations between amounts of decaffeinated and caffeinated coffee (from 0 to 7 cups of coffee per day) and […]

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Fibrocystic breast change (FBC), aka fibrocystic breast disease (FBD) is a benign disorder of the breasts that can result in lumpiness, nodules and/or pain. It is not associated with breast cancer risk, but it does make it hard to decipher if a nodule is benign or cancerous because it is not easy to distinguish these […]

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the most common cyclic menstrual related problems reproductive age women experience.  For most it is mild, but for some it is moderate to even severe (5-8%).  Symptoms occur in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle – starting anywhere from ovulation to right before the menses, and then cease […]

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Chronic migraine headaches are a neurovascular reaction with multiple mechanisms in the brain being affected. They are associated with several symptoms including head pain, nausea, photophobia and more, and can depend on several triggering factors including certain foods, stress, dehydration, hormonal changes and more. Several prescription drugs are used in the prevention of headache attacks […]

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Here in the Pacific NW, Spring is a big deal…. It’s the revival of hope that the rainy/gray days will be less and less and eventually rare. Not everyone can tolerate these many months from roughly November through May/June… the gray, the wet and the dark can be stifling to the mood. I’m an Oregonian… […]

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Amongst the many options to manage menopause symptoms, including diet, exercise, nutraceuticals (i.e. fish oil, Vitamin E and more), botanicals (i.e. black cohosh, maca, red clover, Rhapontic rhubarb, kava, valerian, St John’s wort and more), hormones, and over the counter and other pharmaceuticals, there are many situations for which another option is needed in addition […]

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I read a recent committee opinion from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), that made a positive impression on me. They were basically addressing the importance of optimal postpartum care, that provides more attention to a woman’s physical and mental health. They point out correctly, that the “fourth trimester” can be very challenging […]

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Stress is an all-encompassing concept, but it is a very core physiological reaction to life events, and is mediated by hormones, cytokines, and catecholamines. While we cannot possibly avoid all stressors, chronic and/or severe stress can exceed our adaptation mechanisms. Stressors come in all sizes and shapes that include physical or emotional events, environmental, or […]

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