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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

We’ve all read and heard many things the last 3 months about viruses, antibodies, testing, treatments and prevention for COVID-19.  I’ve hesitated to write about any natural medicines that might have a protective or intervention role… but I have found this current update on vitamin D  to be safe and valuable enough, to pass along. […]

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There are two recent studies that I want to call attention to, that are relevant for our continued efforts to reduce the risk of breast cancer.  The first addresses the issue of weight loss.  In postmenopausal middle-aged women who lose weight and actually are successful in keeping it off, their risk of breast cancer is […]

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The current recommendation for prenatal vitamin D supplementation is 400 IU to 600 IU per day.  But could higher doses be any better for the child of a pregnancy? In a randomized trial, higher doses of vitamin D supplementation was analyzed as part of a study in Denmark involving 623 women and their offspring (584 […]

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Hello all… I often try to write a seasonally pertinent blog… waxing somewhat philosophical at times or calling our attention to Mother Nature or a meaningful seasonal footnote. This spring….well…’s a mighty different situation for all of us.  In many states, including mine, we call it “lock down”…which means all non-essential businesses are closed and […]

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My first thought is:  Am I confused/Are you confused about milk products- whether cow/dairy/sheep/plants?  And the answer is… Yes. I read a fascinating piece in The Guardian the other day, “So what milk should we drink”?  I want to give you the cliff notes on that… and then maybe some cliff notes on the environmental […]

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If you are accustomed to looking at nutrition facts on food labels, or want to start, there are some new big changes that have occurred.   Nutrition facts labels were introduced more than 25 years ago, and this new label mandate is the first update since 2006; it’s been a long time coming.  This new label […]

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Vaginal delivery often comes with postpartum uterine contractions and pain in more than 82% of women.  This pain can interfere with bonding between mother and child, interfere with breast feeding, and can obviously affect the comfort and quality of life of the mother.  Numerous conventional analgesics are used to mediate the pain, but many plant […]

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Yeast vaginitis, aka vulvovaginal candidiasis, is the second most common vaginal infection in women.  The most common is bacterial vaginosis.  The infection most often causes discharge and itching of the local area.  Candida albicans is the most common species, but not the only species.  This is relevant because in cases that are chronic or frequently […]

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