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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

I read an article recently that I thought made a very profound point:  “When you are thinking about a pandemic, you have to differentiate between what comes from being infected and what comes from being affected”.  (Quote from Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science).  As of […]

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Two things to focus on here are air pollutants and heat from climate change.  There are many other environmental exposure impacts on women’s health, fertility, pregnancies and in utero exposure, but the systematic review of 68 studies from 2007 to 2019 evaluated the association between ambient heat, air pollution  and obstetric outcomes including preterm birth […]

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Perimenopause and menopausal symptoms can include hot flashes/nightsweats, insomnia, anxiety, depression, cognitive changes, decline in sexual desire, and skin and mucus atrophy including the eyes, mouth, vulva, vagina and our general skin thinning, wrinkling and drying.  That list might seem long enough, but there can be others.   The good news is that not all women […]

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Berry Time!!!

Where I live in Oregon, I’m happily surrounded by a prolific selection of fresh berries— those in the wild and commercially grown.  My childhood was rich with berry foraging while playing in the woods—red and blue huckleberries, salmon berries, thimbleberries, elderberries and blackberries.  And living in Oregon, we are rich in thousands of acres of […]

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The most common symptom women experience in perimenopause and menopause, is hot flashes— day and/or night.  They are also called vasomotor symptoms, which are a sudden feeling of heat, burning and/or sweating with a slight increase in body temperature due to  increased metabolic rate and vasoconstriction in the periphery.  These fluctuating levels of estrogen, and […]

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As we can all see from the news and from our local neighborhoods, there is a resistance by many, to wear masks during this communicable infectious disease pandemic.  I’m a physician, so as you can imagine, my lens is health related, not politics, not individual rights vs. community welfare, not economic, not philosophical. What follows […]

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Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common vaginal infection in women.  It is characterized by vaginal fishy odor, vaginal discharge (usually thin, gray or white or even greenish) and irritation and/or burning and/or itching.  Women and practitioners can easily conclude incorrectly that the symptoms are due to a yeast infection, but a test of vaginal […]

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Consumers, patients and clinicians have long wrestled with the safety issues of phytoestrogens regarding the breast and uterine endometrium in particular.  Phytoestrogens are used for both prevention and treatment strategies in areas of bone health, cardiovascular issues, bone density, hot flashes and more.  Research has been debated regarding their effects on endometrial or breast tissues. […]

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