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Dr. Tori Hudson, Portland, Oregon, Blog Healthline Blog

Current  exercise mantras for optimum health benefits and for some time now has been 150-300 minutes/week of moderate physical activity OR 75-150 minutes of vigorous activity per week.  This current study asked the question, is vigorous physical activity (versus moderate activity) associated with lower risk for death? Researchers analyzed data from more than 400,000 residents […]

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The fruit and flowers of Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) have been traditionally used to treat and help to prevent common colds and the flu. Sambucus nigra is a species complex of flowering plants in the family Adoxaceae native to most of Europe and North America.  Common names include elder, elderberry, black elder, European elder, European elderberry, and European black elderberry native to a large area of North America east of the Rocky […]

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Rhodiola has long been categorized as an adaptogenic plant, the same category as Ashwagandha, Panax ginseng, Schisandra and others.  These plants are known for their ability to support the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and by doing so, foster a healthy physiologic response to stress and the release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), cortisol and beta-endorphins.  Rhodiola also […]

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I read two studies recently that I think are important to pass on to others.  In the first study, investigators performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of 77 studies including more than 8000 pregnant women with COVID-19.  There were also many studies that also included non-pregnant women.  In routine testing done on the pregnant women […]

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At no other time in my 68-year life have I been asked this question, nor have I asked this question of others as often as I do now, and with a distinctly deeper level of authenticity. I see many patients in my clinical practice every day.  Pre-March 15, 2020, I might have some patients ask […]

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For last year’s late October blog, I wrote about pumpkins.  But I’ve been reflecting on Halloween, and this year, due to the pandemic, how I will miss walking the streets with my great nephews, seeing all the kids in costumes, enjoying the front porch creativity of Portlanders, and just in general, enjoying the night walking […]

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Many herbal options have been studied for the purpose of relieving menopause symptoms.  Black cohosh has been studied the most.  This current study evaluates the effectiveness of a combination of black cohosh and rhodiola, compared with black cohosh alone to relieve menopause symptoms.   Numerous symptoms are possible with perimenopause and/or menopause.  These include hot flashes/night […]

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We have only a few studies on natural ingredients in endometriosis.  I was hoping to see a positive result with this study, but unfortunately, that was not the case.  This study was designed to determine if vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid supplementation improved endometriosis related pelvic pain in adolescents. Women aged 12-25 with surgically […]

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