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Category Archive for 'Prevention'

A recent study confirmed what we probably all already know: Women who don’t smoke, have a body mass index lower than 25, exercise at least 30 minutes a day and eat a Mediterranean-style diet have a significantly lower risk of sudden cardiac death. In the Nurses’ Cohort Study that followed 81,722 women from 1984 to […]

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Here is another study on the benefits of green tea and the incidence of influenza—this time in children. During the influenza season in Japan, a survey was conducted to detect the incidence of influenza infection and preventive measures that were being used including the flu vaccination status of children in a household, the frequency and […]

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About two hundred health care workers in three different healthcare facilities in Japan were randomized to receive either a placebo or a combination of green tea catechins and theanine that contained 378 mg/day of catechins and 210 mg/day of theanine, both constituents found in green tea. Of these eligible health care workers, 98 received the […]

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I often say to my patients, “there is no medication, herb, vitamin, mineral or therapy that does as much for your health as does exercise”. Regular exercise is associated with so many health benefits… you wonder why we are so resistant to it. Exercise research is associated with reducing the risk of most of the […]

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This trial involved 100 women with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), who were seen at the University of Washington and an average age of 21. Lactobacillus crispatus or placebo was inserted vaginally for 5 days and then once weekly for 10 weeks, starting 7-10 days after they had received standard antibiotic therapy for their UTI. […]

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Researchers in Australia observed 1216 older women whose average age was 75, for close to 10 years and compared atherosclerotic vascular disease with chocolate intake, categorized as rare intake = < 1 25-50 gm serving per week and frequent intake = > 1servings per week. Approximately half of the women rarely ate chocolate and 36% […]

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A review of 25 trials that evaluated the risk of CHD related to the body’s omega-3 levels showed that there was an inverse relationship with major cardiovascular (CV) events and tissue levels of EPA and even more so, with DHA. [1] There have been three large randomized trials documenting omeg-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in […]

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The Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment (CHARGE) study is a population-based case-control study of Northern California families. Using standardized clinical assessments, enrolling 288 children aged 24–60, with autism and 144 with autism spectrum disorders, and compared them with 278 children who were developing normally. Researchers calculated the odds ratios for associations between autism […]

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