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Category Archive for 'Stress'

Women who participated in the Nurses’ Health Study, were evaluated for the relationship between sleep duration and hypertension. In women who slept 5 hours or less, the incidence of hypertension was significantly higher than among those women who slept 7 hours. This association of 5 hours or less and hypertension was seen only in women […]

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Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils from plants. These essential oils can be utilized through inhalation, oral intake, bathing, compresses and massage. Aromatherapy massage is the most widely utilized complementary therapy in the U.S. The purpose of the current study was to determine the effect of aromatherapy massage on menopausal symptoms. This study […]

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Fatigue is one of those experiences we all have had, at one time or another – either from too much work, too little sleep, stress, recovering from a trip, during a cold/flu, or what have you. This is not the kind of fatigue that really plagues some of us. Chronic fatigue syndrome or being persistently […]

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