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Category Archive for 'Premenstrual Syndrome'

Chinese women suffering from moderate to severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) were studied in a prospective, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel-group, multi-center clinical trial. A Vitex agnus castus extract, contained 4.0 mg of dried ethanolic (70%). The mean total Premenstrual Syndrome Diary (PMSD) score decreased from 29.23 at baseline to 6.41 at the end of the third […]

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One hundred and fifty reproductive aged women with primary dysmenorrheal (menstrual cramps) were divided into three groups, in a double-blind clinical trial. Group one received ginger rhizome powder capsules, 250 mg four times a day for three days starting day one of their menses. The second group received 250 mg mefenamic acid capsules, four times […]

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The objective of this double-blind, placebo-controlled trail was to study whether saffron could be used to relieve PMS symptoms. 50 reproductive aged women with regular menstrual cycles and with PMS symptoms for at least the last 6 months were randomly assigned to receive 15 mg of saffron twice daily, or placebo twice daily, for four […]

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Fatigue is one of those experiences we all have had, at one time or another – either from too much work, too little sleep, stress, recovering from a trip, during a cold/flu, or what have you. This is not the kind of fatigue that really plagues some of us. Chronic fatigue syndrome or being persistently […]

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