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Category Archive for 'Insights'

Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Legacies

When it comes to yams and sweet potatoes…. I admit to what seems like group confusion—me, other vegetable shoppers, produce managers, chefs and my mother. The confusion starts with the problem that in the United States, the terms “yam” and “sweet potato” are used interchangeably, but they are actually completely different vegetables. Yams are starchy […]

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It’s fall.  I live in the Pacific Northwest and apples are a big deal here.  They are prolific and yummy and I have several apple trees in my small orchard.  I have buckets and buckets of them and my daily harvest reminds me of growing up on the Oregon Coast with a mother who said […]

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I read these two quotes recently, as written by Anne Frank in her diary, The Diary of a Young Girl.  This diary was written during a period of historic threat, the 1942 Nazi Occupation of Amsterdam where this 13 y.o. Jewish girl and her family and another family had to hide out in the small […]

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There’s been a lot of thought and discussion since the beginning of the Covid pandemic about self-care.  The pandemic has affected women in some heightened ways.  Women are more likely to be the care giver for children who have been at home due to no day care, or at home with virtual school.  Women are […]

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It’s mid march, and I know all of us are acutely aware that it’s been one full year since our lives have been drastically altered by COVID-19. During this last year, we have had many challenges- and for sure some of us have had some major life altering ones, but hopefully there have still been […]

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There has been much talk about resilience these last few years, but it’s need has been even more apparent this last year since March 2020.  Resilience can be defined briefly as capable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture or tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. I am mindful […]

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Current  exercise mantras for optimum health benefits and for some time now has been 150-300 minutes/week of moderate physical activity OR 75-150 minutes of vigorous activity per week.  This current study asked the question, is vigorous physical activity (versus moderate activity) associated with lower risk for death? Researchers analyzed data from more than 400,000 residents […]

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At no other time in my 68-year life have I been asked this question, nor have I asked this question of others as often as I do now, and with a distinctly deeper level of authenticity. I see many patients in my clinical practice every day.  Pre-March 15, 2020, I might have some patients ask […]

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