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Category Archive for 'General'

One of the most pesky chronic health issues I see in my patients is hair thinning.  The first step in the evaluation of this is to try to determine the cause.  This includes starter testing for hypothyroid, iron deficiency anemia, iron deficiency, looking at the scalp to see if there is a skin condition like […]

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“Life’s Essential 8” are the key measures for improving and maintaining cardiovascular health, as defined by the American Heart Association. Better cardiovascular health helps lower the risk for heart disease, stroke and other major health problems.” These “other major health problems” are no small matter either – such as, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and dementia.  The […]

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An estimated 6,000 US women daily and more than 2 million women yearly reach menopause, and that does not include perimenopausal women. The US population aged 65 and over grew nearly five times faster than the total population over the century from 1920 to 2000 according to the 2020 US Census. This group is now […]

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The negative effects of a history of childhood abuse are related to mental illness, cardiovascular disease, premature mortality and other chronic illnesses in adulthood and reported in multiple studies across the span of the last twenty plus years.  How childhood mistreatment relates to the menopause transition is less explored.  The recent study tested whether childhood […]

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One of my common uses of PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) is for cases of endometriosis.  Let me tell you a bit about endometriosis and then a bit more about endometriosis and PEA Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus.  The endometriosis implants are usually located in the pelvis: ovaries, anterior and posterior cul-de-sac, posterior […]

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Alzheimer’s disease (AD)  is twice as common in women than in men.  This issue of menopause and menopausal hormone therapy has garnered quite a lot of attention over the last 10-20 years in particular.  Does menopausal hormone therapy(MHT) increase risk of AD or decrease risk or in some and not others based on other factors?  […]

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Direct and indirect physical, physiological and other stressors may generate psychological stress that affects female reproductive health by influencing ovarian physiology and reproductive hormones.[1]  The increase in the stress hormone cortisol may reduce estradiol biosynthesis in the ovary.1, [2]  High levels of stress for a longer time period may result in amenorrhea, anovulation and menstrual […]

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You have likely heard the news…a recent study called the Cocoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study-Web.  This study included 3,562 older adults.  Individuals were randomly assigned to a daily multivitamin supplement or placebo and evaluated annually with a battery of neuropsychological tests over a three year period. The commercial supplement for 50+ adults contains: The […]

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