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Category Archive for 'Nutrition'

We have only a few studies on natural ingredients in endometriosis.  I was hoping to see a positive result with this study, but unfortunately, that was not the case.  This study was designed to determine if vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acid supplementation improved endometriosis related pelvic pain in adolescents. Women aged 12-25 with surgically […]

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Where I live in Oregon, I’m happily surrounded by a prolific selection of fresh berries— those in the wild and commercially grown.  My childhood was rich with berry foraging while playing in the woods—red and blue huckleberries, salmon berries, thimbleberries, elderberries and blackberries.  And living in Oregon, we are rich in thousands of acres of […]

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Consumers, patients and clinicians have long wrestled with the safety issues of phytoestrogens regarding the breast and uterine endometrium in particular.  Phytoestrogens are used for both prevention and treatment strategies in areas of bone health, cardiovascular issues, bone density, hot flashes and more.  Research has been debated regarding their effects on endometrial or breast tissues. […]

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The current recommendation for prenatal vitamin D supplementation is 400 IU to 600 IU per day.  But could higher doses be any better for the child of a pregnancy? In a randomized trial, higher doses of vitamin D supplementation was analyzed as part of a study in Denmark involving 623 women and their offspring (584 […]

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My first thought is:  Am I confused/Are you confused about milk products- whether cow/dairy/sheep/plants?  And the answer is… Yes. I read a fascinating piece in The Guardian the other day, “So what milk should we drink”?  I want to give you the cliff notes on that… and then maybe some cliff notes on the environmental […]

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If you are accustomed to looking at nutrition facts on food labels, or want to start, there are some new big changes that have occurred.   Nutrition facts labels were introduced more than 25 years ago, and this new label mandate is the first update since 2006; it’s been a long time coming.  This new label […]

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Today is Halloween…. and not surprisingly, I’m thinking about pumpkins.  Pumpkins have found their way into my heart from seeing fields and fields of bright orange globes adorning the landscape, then finding their way onto the steps and counter tops of celebrating homes— complete with creative additions and carvings, aglow with candles…and then of course […]

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A new study holds out some hope for families who already have a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and the reduction in risk of ASD in a future child. Previous population studies have demonstrated that maternal prenatal vitamin intake, particularly folic acid, appears to reduce the risk of ASD by about 40%. This is […]

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